Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Writer Showcase


Hi!  My name is Penny Peshell.

When I grew up, I always wanted to be a writer.  One year I got an old typewriter for Christmas, and I used to spend hours in the basement clacking away at the keys- writing stories and pretending that I was a famous writer- sometimes an investigative journalist, other times a New York Bestselling author.  I wrote hundreds of stories- some fiction, some non fiction.

In my professional career I lost sight of the dream to be a writer.  I pursued other interests which gave me some great experiences and perspectives.  I did have had a couple of opportunities to use my writing skills to write procedure and training manuals, create travel an tour itineraries, and to document Community Development loans, donations, and service hours for submission to regulating bodies for review.  I have dipped my toes in the water when it comes to writing blogs, setting up landing pages, and creating social media posts.  I have recently re-discovered my love of writing.  I'm searching for more ways to expand my writing chops and find work as a serious writer.

This page is a highlight of some of my work.  I'm using it as a portfolio that I can show when looking for work.
Last update- Mar 29, 2023

Technical Writing

In 2016 I was working as the Head Booking Agent for Stars Talent studio.  I created this procedures manual to help train my booking agents and to get ready for a six week leave of absence.  

In 2014 I worked as a virtual assistant to Tyler Castleton.  He was working with Michael McLean and Desert Book to produce the Forgotten Carols Christmas Show.  At his request I created this tour itinerary for the performers in the Forgotten Carols show that year.

This is an excerpt from a narrative that I had to write about a Community Development loan:
(Insert NPS excerpt)

This is a guide I wrote to help business owners plan their retreats.

Social Media

Click here to see my linkdin profile

I recently created this Instagram account for my cat: Flynn Rider Travel Cat

Creative Writing

This is an excerpt of a story that I wrote a couple of years ago.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post and familiarize yourself with me and my writing.  I hope you have enjoyed it.  I look forward to hearing with you soon, and I hope to work with you in the future.
Thank you!

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