Thursday, September 26, 2019

Living out Loud... For Crying out Loud!

A wise person once said, "You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously".  I needed a place to start collecting and showcasing some of my works, and this is as good of a place as any.  So here they are... in all their imperfect glory.

This is more of a film headshot.  It's a professional photo
that was taken a few years ago.  It's more or less what
I look like, except now I have longer hair.
My sister says that she doesn't like this picture of me
because I have "resting b*%$ face".
In the past I've tried to keep pretty quiet and keep my online presence to a minimum.  But I've done some pretty great things in my life, and lived through some learning experiences.  I have finally realized that not sharing is just another way for me to live small.  It seems like we have been conditioned to live small and minimize our accomplishments.

But I recently have been set free and I've been thinking- what would I do if there was nothing holding me back?  Why not live like that now?  I'm following my dreams and searching for opportunities that will push me out of my comfort zone, so I thought I ought to share a few of the amazing things that I have been part of...

Here is an example of an award-winning show that I helped with.  I am letter C.  I was a section leader, on the music team, helped with the script and the concept, and served as one of the Emcees.

Here is my Youtube channel showing some of the silly home-movies that I have made.  This is not an exhaustive list of videos that I have made, but I couldn't post some of the others because of licensing requirements with the music videos.

This is a bit embarrassing, but here is a presenter reel that I made a few years ago.  It has my former married name.

This post is still under construction... Stay tuned.

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