Friday, May 24, 2019

I now choose to heal my body.

Years ago when I was battling childhood cancer, my mom would make me repeat this mantra several times per day:

I am Happy and Healthy and Strong, and I now choose to heal my body.

I always thought that she was silly for making me do it, and even now as an adult I tease her about her "voodoo-Dr" cures.  I don't think that we should completely replace regular Dr's, but I have to admit that the messages that we tell ourselves are very powerful and they can make a huge difference.

Over the last few days I have re-adopted this mantra.  I am no longer battling cancer, but I am struggling with exhaustion and feeling overwhelmed.  But I notice that when I say "I'm exhausted" it makes me want to feed my daughter cereal for dinner and curl up on the couch as soon as I get home from work.  When I tell myself "I am happy and healthy and strong and I now choose to heal my body," it reminds me to be thankful for the things that are going right and somehow gives me the energy to cook dinner for my daughter and play with her after dinner.

So if you are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, I encourage you to look at what you are saying to yourself.  Even something like "I'm exhausted" could make your exhaustion worse.  Adopt my mantra, or find your own and just see if it helps...

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