Thursday, May 23, 2019

I Commit to Telling My Truths

I am in the middle of a storm.

I'm on a spiritual journey- a quest of body, mind, and spirit.  I have already been learning valuable lessons and I have had some interesting life experiences.  I am 40 and I still don't have it all figured out yet.  But I'm on a path of self discovery, trying to figure it out.  I am not sure what the best medium for me will be (if it will be blog, video, book or some other form), and I am still struggling to find my voice, but I think if I just start where I am...  I need to start somewhere.  I hope I can admit my shortcomings, celebrate my successes, and hopefully help others along the way.

I've been reading Rachel Hollis' "Girl, Stop Apologizing", and it has inspired me to take some action into embracing and achieving my goals.  I have a lot of great ideas, and I've had a lot of interesting experiences.  Maybe if I just start writing and sharing...

For so long I have tried to put on the front that "everything is ok".  Now it's time to share my truths:  my personal struggles, my hopes, my dreams, my fears.  I commit to share the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I commit to put myself out there.  I commit to put mommy guilt aside.  I commit to stop caring what others think of me.  I may not always be perfect, but I commit to be myself and to keep doing the best that I can.

I believe in the power of intention, so maybe I should start by listing some of my dreams/ goals:

  1. Support myself and my daughter
  2. Visit every continent
  3. Visit every US state
  4. Travel writer
  5. Unlock the secrets of the 4 hour work week
  6. Become a New York Bestselling author
  7. Invest in Real Estate
  8. Sell on Amazon
  9. Become "the banker" (not a banker)
  10. Get an advanced degree in choral conducting
  11. Create the most entertaining shows that people flock to see my shows
  12. Grow my audiences
  13. Lead my chorus on the international stage
  14. become a successful business owner
  15. Have all the time that I want to spend with my daughter
  16. Own several businesses
  17. I want it all!
  18. Help others create connections
  19. Foster win-win relationships
  20. Write books
  21. Make movies
  22. Teach people to be better parents
  23. Inspire others to follow their dreams
  24. Be a motivational speaker
  25. Become an Opra or an Ellen
  26. Start a non profit to help single moms
  27. Become a music therapist
  28. Become a school counselor
  29. Lose weight
  30. Get married
  31. Have more kids
  32. Start my own record label
  33. Start my own film company
  34. Teach others how to get control of their finances
  35. Start my own clothing line
  36. Have a farm and sustainable living
And some of the businesses I'd like to own:
  1. Real Estate Investing
  2. Music School
  3. Alternative to Health Insurance
  4. Chick-fil-A
  5. Country Store and restaurant
  6. Penny P's Pick-your-own Pumpkin Patch
  7. A Production company (for live events and films)
  8. A recording company
  9. Store owner
  10. School of Finance
  11. Non-profit to help single moms
  12. Non-profit to provide scholarships for music and arts education
  13. Travel agency
  14. Matchmaking/ husband training business
These goals are in no particular order.  As you can see, I have varied interests and I dream BIG.  Some may say that they are too lofty, or that I'm too old or it's too late to start.  Some of my goals may change or evolve over time.  Admittedly, I may have to choose which ones are the most important bucket list items... But here they are in all their glory.  So if you see me try and fail... I'm still learning.  If you see me try something and then start something completely different... It may look random to you, but it's not random to me.  At least I'm trying, and I'm doing, and I'm figuring it out as I go.

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